Stock Performance Engines
Engines that were specially configurated for high performance or marine applications. All engines have been designed for daily driving with mild-to-moderate camshaft upgrades. For durability, double roller timing sets have been added. Camshafts Ihren speziellen Wünschen angepasst werden.
and other specifications such as piston material (hypereutectic or forged materials) and design (flat top, dome or dishtop for supercharged applications) can be changed to match your specific needs. Please add an average of € 100.- plus tax for brass freeze plugs and marine gaskets necessary for saltwater marine engines.
We are happy to quote Stock Performance upgrades for any engine, please call or email with your detailed and specific requests. Please have your camshaft preference (low end torque/decent idle or high end horse power/choppy idle), desired compression ratio, purpose of use and all other relevant information available when contacting us..
“Angaben ohne Gewähr, Irrtümer sowie Änderungen vorbehalten”